Flame Pre-heating

Pre-heating steel to improve its strength is recommended by many legislative standards and codes of practice (i.e. EN1090) in order to maintain and improve material integrity

Flame Pre-heating

The requirement to strengthen steel is becoming increasingly common in a wide range of sectors, as it offers increased component performance at reduced weight and cost. Pre-heating these materials is recommended and specified by many standards and codes of practice prior to welding or cutting, in order to avoid defects such as cracking.

The Process

Successful preheating is dependant upon heating the material up to the right temperature throughout its thickness. The preheat temperature required depends on the material type, thickness and subsequent cutting or welding process and correct measurement is essential.

Other materials also benefit from the preheating process, especially when working with thicker sections. In cutting for instance, preheating provides additional energy allowing thicker sections to be cut with better quality.

However, using the wrong gas, equipment or setup could be wasting valuable time and money. The fuel gas of choice for achieving the required through thickness heating and reduced pre-heating times is acetylene and compressed air.

Utilising BOC’s patented LINDOFLAMM® burner technology for optimum productivity, the shapes and capabilities of this solution are tailored to fit your specific requirements.

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