These ceramic dissolvers produce gas in the form of micro-bubbles that start dissolving at low pressure and can also help produce an aeration/stripping effect for unwanted gases.
It is designed with ultra-fine ceramic pores with a flat plate surface that produces uniform bubbles across the entire surface and minimises bubble coalescence.
The efficiency of ceramic diffusers varies with water depth, salinity and gas pressure/volume.
The main area of application for the SOLVOX® CD is to provide additional oxygen to individual tanks and raceways and for emergency oxygen supply.
SOLVOX® CD diffusers are simple to install and use, retaining their efficiency if maintained as recommended.
Benefits of SOLVOX® CD:
No external energy supply required.
Solution for emergency oxygenation (see also SOLVOX® B diffuser hose*).
Oxygenation when transporting live fish – reduced stress and mortality.
Stripping of unwanted gases.
Oxygenation and carbonation for anesthetising/sedating fish.
For more information, call us on 1800 355 255 or email us