Under the Confined Spaces Regulations, every employer or self-employed person is responsible for the health and safety of persons working in, or entering, a cellar area where dispense gas systems are used
Your responsibilities
For licensed premises, every owner or employer has a legal duty to:
undertake a 'suitable and sufficient' risk assessment of the specified risks. This must be carried out by a 'competent person' who has the necessary expertise and experience
identify and keep a record of the risk assessment findings and undertake a review at regular intervals
document and implement suitable precautionary measures to eliminate these risks
communicate to all staff the findings of the risk assessment
ensure all staff are trained in the relevant safety practices for handling gas dispense equipment and in the emergency procedures in the event of a gas leak
implement and maintain a suitable 'safe system of work'
if there are significant risks in your cellar you should restrict entry until you can take steps to provide a 'safe system of work'. The measures you take should deal specifically with the findings of the risk assessment for your cellar